Solar Executive MBA Training



The Solar Executive MBA is technical, rigorous, and hard. It was developed it for leaders who are responsible for the financial details that drive solar projects. The course is taught by two instructors: Keith Cronin, who built and sold his solar installation business to SunEdison in 2007 – and Christopher Lord, a lawyer and former investment banker who works with solar companies to find viable projects and investors for those projects.

Graduates from the Solar MBA training will learn: 1) how to quickly run the numbers to value a solar project, 2) how to price the deal to win, without screwing up the project economics, and 3) how work with investors to build good relationships that lead to future opportunities. This training will give you the model to price commercial solar PV projects, and all the legal documents and contracts you will need to finance a project. The Capstone Project for this course means working a deal from start to finish – financial modeling of a full commercial solar project.

For additional information, please see provider’s link below.