MassCEC Clean Energy Careers Training & Education is a free resource helping students, energy efficiency and renewable energy industry professionals, and job seekers explore career pathways and connect with education and training opportunities throughout Massachusetts.

Clean Energy Innovation Pathway Curriculum
The Massachusetts Clean Energy Center has partnered with leading curriculum developers and experienced educators within the Commonwealth to develop a robust course curriculum for grades 9-12, titled Massachusetts Climate Careers: Powering the Future. Explore the curriculum
Massachusetts Clean Energy Internship Program
The Massachusetts Clean Energy Internship Program is a nationally recognized, award-winning workforce development initiative offered by MassCEC. The program focuses on enhancing the talent pipeline for Massachusetts companies engaged in the clean energy industry, and provides paid internship opportunities for college students and recent graduates at Massachusetts-based clean energy companies. Following their internship, many participants have gained full-time or part-time employment at their host companies. Learn more.
Students interested in getting involved in future sessions of this program should view this info for students.
Employers looking to host an intern and be reimbursed by MassCEC can view this info for employers.
Since its inception in 2011, the Massachusetts Clean Energy Internship Program has placed thousands of students and recent graduates at clean energy companies across the Commonwealth, with hundreds of those interns going on to receive full-time job opportunities at their host companies.
Whether you're pursuing a career in the clean energy industry, advancing your present career by acquiring new skills and knowledge, or simply satisfying a desire to learn more about this exciting and important area, we hope you find this site to be a helpful resource. If so, please share this resource with others: