MS Building and Construction Technology: Building Systems Concentration – Green Building

UMass Amherst

The Department of Environmental Conservation offers graduate programs in the “Building Systems” concentration at both the M.S. and Ph.D. level through the Building and Construction Technology program. At the M.S. level, students have the option of pursuing either a professional degree or thesis degree. The thesis/dissertation degree leads to the M.S. or Ph.D. degree and centers around the completion of a major independent research project in addition to a modest coursework requirement. The professional degree leads to the M.S. degree and centers around a professional paper based on an internship/practicum in addition to a more substantial coursework requirement.

Both degree options provide students a strong foundation in three core topic areas: core science (environmental building systems, biology, ecology and conservation), 2) quantitative science (GIS/BIM, building design, statistics, modeling), and 3) human dimensions (resource values, policies, programs and economics). The M.S. thesis degree is intended to prepare students for the option of pursuing a Ph.D. and an eventual career in science. The M.S. professional degree is meant to be a terminal degree for students seeking graduate-level training in a particular field of study and a career as a professional scientist. Overall, the academic requirements of this concentration in combination with the research/practicum experience provide students the necessary training for sustainable building positions within academia, non-governmental building organizations, and private industry (e.g., environmental design consulting firms). In addition, M.S. degree students completing this program are well prepared to meet the challenges in a related Ph.D. program.