Worcester Technical High School


Students receive hands-on shop training to prepare them for the actual service and installation procedures that will be required of them in the field. Such technicians use a variety of hand and power tools to make repairs or adjustments. In addition, electrical problems require knowledge of electrical diagnostic meters and tools. In depth, theoretical classroom training leads to developing diagnostic skills and an understanding of terminology and specifications as well as relevant articles of the Massachusetts State Building Code as well as other mechanical codes.

All eligible students have the opportunity to participate in Cooperative Education and Internship experiences at a variety of approved learning sites across the city in their junior and/or senior year. While the requirements and specific opportunities vary from school to school, and program to program, the structured combination of classroom based education and practical work experience provides students with the skills necessary to comfortably navigate the world of work.

See program link below for additional details.


  • Institution Name: Worcester Technical High School
  • Address: 1 Skyline Drive, Worcester, MA 01605
  • Website: https://techhigh.us/